
Looking For A Free MBA Dissertation Sample: Great Advice

Writing a dissertation can be a daunting process. While having a set of top-grade examples can make the process much easier, finding them is not always easy. Use this advice to start your search.

Your University

If you are a student, the first place to look for examples of MBA dissertations is at your university. Most universities keep all past student Masters’ and Doctoral papers in their library collections, either as bound books or digital copies. If possible, find recent ones from your department or program: they will give you a good idea of what kind of research is going on in your program, as well as what areas there is already funding for. Consult your University’s library webpage or ask a librarian for help to search and access student dissertations.

The webpages of other universities’ PhD programs may also have current or recent student dissertations.

Online Databases

Outside of your own library’s collection, examples can be accessed through organizations such as Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), which provide links to many databases, including country specific collections. These databases, such as ProQuest or Dissertation Abstracts International, will allow you to search and browse by date, subject, and in some cases universities. Some of these databases are free, while some may require subscriptions. If you are affiliated with a university, check to see if these databases are included in your E-Resource access.

Academic Journals

If you are looking for a business dissertation in a specific field of business, it may be helpful to look in academic journals that specialize in it. Journals will not always specify which articles were written by PhD candidates, but some do. Beyond specific journals, you can also search in journal databases that your university may have access to. If you do not have this access, Google Scholar is a wonderful source of free articles. If you find an article that is particularly relevant to your focus of MBA research, you can also consider contacting the authors to see if they have any good examples on file.

Once you have found some samples its important to know which are good and should be used as examples. In a fast paced field like business, be sure to only use recent papers as examples, as they are more likely to be relevant for publication and funding, and are more likely to use the most current research methodologies.

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