
Selecting A Unique Economics Dissertation Topic: 20 Good Ideas

A dissertation is not a simple and short essay. It is a detailed and lengthy piece of prose in which your research skills and writing technique will be tested. The chances of you doing well in your dissertation depend on a number of factors not the least of which is your choice of topic. Get that right and you’re well on the way to producing a fine piece of work.

The word unique appears in the title of this article. Now there are many economic topics which are commonly chosen and which have been written about by unknown numbers of students. You can avoid that by looking for an unusual topic or better still, choosing an unusual approach to a well-know topic.

The topics listed below come into both categories. Some are unusual in themselves and others are better known but are ripe for an unusual approach. As always, choose a topic which appeals to you and always discuss your choice with your teacher or tutor before making that final decision. A little guidance may make an awful amount of difference and help you produce a quality dissertation.

  1. What are the best ways to fund a start-up business?
  2. What is meant by social capital and how does it apply to new and emerging businesses?
  3. How can tertiary institutions get involved in the economics of business?
  4. What are the economic advantages of running a business in rural areas?
  5. How important is the family in operating a cottage industry?
  6. Does local culture influence the growth of a business?
  7. Describe the role of clusters in helping build economic prosperity.
  8. What economic characteristics do the top companies have in common?
  9. What is the role of the economic planner in the changing ways of doing business?
  10. What is meant by social entrepreneurship and how can it assist small and medium business?
  11. How has regulatory failure enabled banks to cause major disruption to business?
  12. Has the impact of sanctions helped or hindered economic growth?
  13. What are the consequences of significant unemployment for long periods involving young workers?
  14. How do governments assist poorer nations and what are the economic consequences for both nations?
  15. How does the IMF impact or influence economies in poorer countries?
  16. How effective is private funding for the growth of an economy?
  17. What happens when governments fund think tanks and the growth of ideas?
  18. Have older philosophies and economic theories gone out of fashion?
  19. Describe the economic impact of significant falls in oil and iron ore prices.
  20. What influence has the political upheaval in different countries had on that country’s economy?

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